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  • Writer's picturePhoebe Ann

From Concept to Creation: The Recording

Hello and welcome,

I don’t know if you know what it’s like, the day you go into the studio to lay down the track that you have been writing and re writing a hundred times over.

It’s finally ready to be born.

It’s like going into labour, minus the severe pain, screaming and crying, (well maybe some crying, it depends who your band mates and tech’s are...) But at the end you’re left with something very special, a new creation,

Welcome to a day in the studio with Emma Mae...

You may wonder why this is a part of the new Concept to Creation blog series. This is the first step to the release, without this day there is no end product for you to enjoy. I get to take you behind the scenes in a studio to begin to learn all about Emma Mae with some sneak peaks at the new up coming release and what it is like to be an independent artist.

Some of the biggest lessons from the day include, technology sucks and doesn’t like to save the projects, and Jacob (the drummer) has pockets full of tea bags.

But on a serious note, the day starts early to set up the live room, and with a rather expensive mic in the room I stayed as far away as I could. I have a habit of tripping over nothing. But once attached and tightened to the stand I got a couple of shots of Emma in the sound reducing booth. When recording it is so important to try and block out any background noise, so Emma was put inside a booth that absorbs the sound waves, this means that there is no noise or reverb on the initial recording as this can then be added at a later date to match the aesthetic of the track.

Below are some of the images that I took, go see Emma’s social media to see more and for more updates on the up and coming release.

While the rest of the band were recording I got to chatting with Emma about the up and coming single, but more of that to come in the next section of “From Concept to Creation”. Don’t forget to subscribe to be one of the first to hear the updates.

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