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  • Writer's picturePhoebe Ann

Everyone Loves a Good Story

Hello Lovely People,

It's all well and good knowing my name is Phoebe Ann or that I'm 19 and a Music Business students. BUT what is there to invest in from that?

A musicians career will often depend on their story, from Susan Boyle to Taylor Swift and her infamous ex's songs. It is often the story behind the lyrics or song that leaves an impact on the listener. Take the song 'Dance with my Father' by Luther Vandross, this song is, for sure, a tear jerker.

But what is it about this song?

The story of loosing someone, everyone will view this song differently. But this one for me has such an emotional connection, because of my relationship with my Dad. He is the one to sit through endless calls of me crying over university, of thinking my music isn't good enough and has probably listened to over 100 versions of my up and coming EP, never once complaining. And then giving me the opportunity to develop and improve my skills in mixing and producing by producing his new album.

So leading up to the release of 'I'll Wait For You' I will be giving you the insight into the making of all of the songs and the stories so that you can decide for yourself, do you want to invest in Phoebe Ann? Is there something you can connect to, a story that resonates with you, a line that you want to post on your instagram story (please, if there is, you should definitely do that!).

So it's 24 days to go...

This week I will be focusing on the title track 'I'll Wait For You'.

This is the newest of all the songs on the EP and honestly, I wrote it in about 2 hours (across a couple of days). This came because of the coronavirus, in March I was living in Cardiff at university, with 5 housemates, 5 minuets from my boyfriend. Finishing up second year, planning an event at Bird & Blend Co. To then find myself back in my home town 186 miles from my boyfriend, doing university online. I am so fortunate that I have not been affected badly by this but my heart broke for the people who have been.

So this song is all about waiting for the future and promising to wait no matter what. That no storm will tear apart the love for family and friends, no matter what happens.

So it only felt fitting to ask for the communities help to create a music video of promises and hope. I have had a few submissions already and I can't wait to see even more come in over the next couple of weeks.

Thank you so much for your continued support!

Phoebe Ann x

Make sure you're up to date, click the links below:

Instagram: @phoebee_ann_

TikTok: @phoebeann19

Facebook: Phoebe Ann

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