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  • Writer's picturePhoebe Ann

My Name’s Phoebe and I’m scared of Talking

Hello Lovely People,

What’s your biggest fear?

Spiders? Snakes? Spoons?

Well one of mine is talking. Give me a script and I could memorise it word for word and every other characters line too. But ask me to talk in front of someone, a camera or an audience and i’ll probably make a dad joke and laugh at myself for 10 minuets.

Almost every parents evening at school my teachers would say “Phoebe need to contribute more in class” or “Phoebe needs to put her hand up more“. But that would never make me talk. So I set myself a challenge, as a musician it is so important to show your personality to your audience and what better way than talking to them? My challenge is to create videos telling my audience all about my upcoming songs. The first video was uploaded to Facebook and YouTube, I was terrified, checking my notifications every minute ready to delete the post at the first sign of negativity. Thankfully this time there was no such negativity.

I just wanted to write this post to remind myself and to set a challenge to you to set targets to overcome your fears!

have a little look at the video below and I hope it inspires you to challenge your fears too.

Bee 🐝

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